What went wrong with Venom?
Fact: Venom invented extreme metal. Without Venom, thrash, black, death, metalcore, grindcore, blackened death and everything in between would not exist. Way more so than Motorhead. I love Motorhead, possibly my favorite band of all time. While they do deserve some credit for extreme metal's architecture, Venom is just more important, and I will explain why. Objectively speaking, if you were to make a Top X metal bands of all time, they have to be top 5, possibly in the top 3. Their influence is so prevalent in everything afterwards that you really don't even notice it. It's like commenting on the type of wood that forms the skeleton of a house. Yet reading that top 5 sentence out loud would probably grant more snickers and "ehhhhs" than cheers of approval. Unfortunately, it seems like history has almost forgotten Venom, despite their first two records, Welcome To Hell released in 1981, and Black Metal released in 1982, provid...